The Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of our Company is going to be held on 05.06.2013 at 14.30 at Zorlu Plaza, 34310 Avcılar/ISTANBUL and the following agenda topics will be discussed.
Opening, the Moment of Silence and the election of the Presidential Board,
Authorizing the Presidential Board for signing the minutes of the General Assembly Meeting,
Reading and discussing the 2012 Annual Report of the Board of Directors,
Reading and discussing the Auditor’s Report for the fiscal year 2012,
Reading and discussing the Independent External Auditors’ summary report for the fiscal year 2012,
Reading, discussing and approving the Financial Tables for the fiscal year 2012,
Acquittal of each of the members of the Board of Directors regarding their activities and transactions held in 2012,
Acquittal of the Auditors regarding their activities and transactions held in 2012,
Determination of remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors in 2013,
Informing the General Meeting regarding the loss in 2012,
Discussing and approving the “Profit Distribution Policy” of the Company as per the Corporate Governance Principles,
Authorization of the members of the Board of Directors pursuant to Articles 395 and 396 of the Turkish Commercial Code to engage in businesses by themselves or on behalf of others regardless of whether the Company engages in such operations or not and to participate in such companies and to perform other transactions,
Informing the General Meeting about the transactions of controlling shareholders, executive managers and their spouses and second degree relatives (by blood or marriage) in compliance with the article 1.3.7 of CMB’s Corporate Governance Principles,
Informing the General Meeting about donations and aids made in 2012; discussion and decree of the upper limit for donations to be made in 2013; discussion and approval of the donations made from the beginning of 2013 till the date of General Meeting,
Informing the General Meeting about securities, pledges and mortgages granted by the Company as per the CMB regulations to any third party,and the revenues and benefits acquired accordingly,
Informing the General Meeting about the related party transactions performed in 2012,