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Accessible and Smart Solutions that Make Life Easier

Products and Solutions Creating Benefits

As part of its objective to create benefit with its products and solutions, Vestel focuses on energy and water efficiency, mitigating plastic pollution, complying with new regulations, facilitating the lives of consumers and developing products that meet the needs of people with disability. While rendering the lives of consumers easier by developing smart and connected products, Vestel also continuously improves its performance with the products it develops by accurately analyzing evolving consumer expectations. To achieve its 2050 net zero emission target, Vestel monitors the ratio of revenues from low-carbon, environmentally impact-reducing and energy-efficient certified products to turnover.

Electric Vehicle Chargers:
Approximately 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions originate from transportation. Therefore, the  widespread use of electric vehicles plays a critical role in tackling the climate crisis. As electric vehicles play an important role in the transition to a net-zero economy and become increasingly widespread, the need for charging stations increases. Widespread use of charging stations in public spaces not only meets the needs of existing consumers, but also supports the increased use of electric vehicles. In this context, Vestel Elektronik positions itself as the solution partner of corporate clients with its electric vehicle chargers, and strives to respond to the needs and expectations of consumers in the best way possible. With the mass production of charging units, the Company contributes to the transformation of electric vehicles and the widespread use of fast charging stations both in domestic and foreign markets.

Battery Technologies:
Developed through R&D activities initiated in 2018, the Battery Management System (BMS) hardware and software enabled Vestel to design and produce more efficient and long-lasting Li-ion battery packs in line with customer needs. This step enabled Vestel to be the first domestic electric bicycle battery manufacturer.

As well as electric bicycles, Vestel's Li-ion battery technology is also used in a variety of products such as wireless charging vacuum cleaners and respirators. Battery designs developed for the telecommunication sector also offer energy storage solutions for critical infrastructures such as base stations. Battery technology of Vestel is designed to be compatible with other energy systems and has the flexibility to meet the storage needs in the field of renewable energy.

Products that Make Life Easier

Vestel Beyaz Eşya offers products that make life easier for users and minimize environmental impact. Vestel Beyaz Eşya, by listening to consumer needs and demands, developed products accordingly, including:

  • Daylight-Pro products with UV-C technology with a special sterilization system,
  • Cold Hygiene Program that saves energy by providing hygiene even at low temperatures in washing machines,
  • Dose-On technology that eliminates the need to add fabric softener and detergent before each wash,
  • AutoDose technology that determines the appropriate amount of detergent by measuring the level of contamination of the dishes and does not need to refill detergent up to 20 times,
  • Hydroboost technology that sprays a mixture of water and detergent onto the laundry from 20 different points inside the drum for an effective wash,
  • Silent washing machines and dishwashers operating at 38 decibel,
  • Low-depth machinery with 7-kg capacity for efficient use in small spaces,
  • Pet Hair Shield washing machine that effectively removes pet hair from laundry,
  • Washoes washing machine that cleans sneakers gently and efficiently with a specialized attachment and washing program,
  • Pyrodry drying technology, which provides efficient results even for plastic utensils compared to traditional drying methods, thanks to its built-in heater,
  • Auto Clean Filter technology that automatically cleans the filter after each use,
  • Auto Glass Safe technology that can detect the hardness level of water with sensors inside and adjust the salt level to prevent scratches on glassware,
  • Vestel Vitamod technology, which resembles sunlight and preserves the vitamin C and antioxidant content of fruits and vegetables,
  • 360° Fresh Air technology that ensures homogeneous air distribution in the refrigerator, maintaining food freshness much longer, FreshCheck odor sensor that monitors the ripening process of fruits and vegetables and informs users about their freshness,
  • The new generation MAYA refrigerator that allows for easy preparation and storage of seven different foods that require fermentation such as dough, yogurt, kefir, vinegar and pickles with automatically adjusted temperature and time functions,
  • NEFES air conditioner that offers the comfort of an air purifier and air conditioner together,
  • (EPS) - Free (Expanded Polystyrene Free) packaging technology that reduces the use of plastic.

Energy-Efficient Products

Designing products in the highest energy efficiency class, Vestel Beyaz Eşya offers consumers resource efficient and userfriendly refrigerators, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, cooking appliances and air-conditioners thanks to the technologies it develops.

  • Vestel designs tumble dryers with weight sensors. Thus, the most efficient drying mode is selected by determining the amount of load in the machine and energy saving is achieved.
  • Ovens with HeatWrap technology can simultaneously cook the meals in five different trays evenly, while induction hobs provide much higher heat efficiency than gas hobs.
  • The washing machines are 50% more energy efficient than the A energy class due to the Rainfall technology and consume the least amount of energy known in the market. In addition, thanks to the load sensing technology, both energy and water consumption are kept at optimum levels according to the amount of load detected.
  • Tumble dryers are the products with the lowest energy class in the market with the MultiInverter+ technology and an energy value of A+++ -20%.
  • The drying machine which has Thermojet technology and an energy value of A++, reduces drying time by approximately 30 minutes compared to products in the same segment. Thanks to Sonic Steam technology that reduces creases and provides hygienic results, clothes require 50% less ironing after drying.
  • SelfHeating technology and recycled energy enable a range of solo dishwashers that consume 10% less energy than energy class A.
  • DuoMode Technology, which transforms the refrigerator compartments based on the needs of the consumer, enables the freezer compartment to be turned off or converted into a cooler when it is not used. Independent functioning of the freezer and cooler compartments thanks to valve routing and parallel cycling ensures energy savings, while the air duct design ensures balanced cooling. The product also stands out for its use of recyclable plastics and mechanical parts.
  • Vestel Beyaz Eşya develops A Class products that consume approximately three times less energy than the bestselling refrigerators in the market.
  • With the double water tank technology designed and developed for dishwashers, the number of models with A energy class according to the New Energy Regulation (A+++ -33% energy class according to the old regulation) were increased. This technology saves 0.1 kWh/hour of energy per wash and 30 kWh/hour of energy per year compared to B energy class products on the market.
  • In dishwashers, the “C” energy-class competitive product was developed to meet the increasing demand for energy-efficient products in the market. This technology saves 0.1 kWh/hour of energy per wash and 30 kWh/hour of energy per year compared to D energy class products on the market.

Vestel stands out with the high heating and cooling efficiency of its air conditioners, as well as the average energy savings of 30%-40% compared to the equivalent systems. Vestel also carries out projects aimed at optimizing the resources used in its processes and reducing its environmental impact.

Water-Efficient Products

In addition to energy efficiency, Vestel Beyaz Eşya also focuses on water efficiency, and its products are among those with the lowest water consumption in the market. Vestel produces dishwashers that save up to 45% more water than average products, and washing machines that save up to 35% more water.

  • Thanks to its "Waterbox" technology, the Company's product portfolio includes dishwashers that consume 5.4 liters of water per use, resulting in 45% water savings.
  • "Aquazone" technology saves up to 3 liters of water per use compared to conventional technologies.
  • With "Rainfall" technology, washing machines use up to 32 liters less water per use, saving approximately 35% water.

Introduced in 2022, the water recovery system saves 5.5 liters of water per household for each use and a total of 1,210 liters per year by using the accumulated clean water from the tumble dryer in the washing machine.

Smart and Connected Products

As digitalization becomes a part of everyday life, its use in products is increasing. This accelerates the development of smart and internetconnected technologies and raises their acceptance and demand levels. The focus of key consumer expectations in this area has created an opportunity for smart cities, smart homes, smart devices and new models based on these technologies. All of Vestel's smart products and digital services are coordinated by the IoT and Digital Strategy Department.

Thanks to years of R&D studies on big data, the Company launched internetbased TV products such as Android and Amazon Fire TV. Technologies that can generate new sources of revenue such as displaying targeted advertisements on smart TVs, the dissemination of voice recognition technologies through Vestel products, the analysis and use of data stored on the cloud and offering additional services to consumers through subscription have been added.

Quality and Product Safety

Vestel continuously reviews and optimizes its production processes in line with its goal of providing consumers with accessible, high quality and safe products. The Company works to design products that comply with national and international standards, meet customer expectations, and deliver products that adhere to the standards set through internal assessments.

  • Regulations and Battery Standards:
    Vestel is in full compliance with international standards and regulations in the production of its products. These directives aim to protect the health and safety of consumers while minimizing their impact on the environment.
  • Chemicals Management:
    Based on its sensitivity on quality and product safety, Vestel expects suppliers to produce according to certain criteria. Vestel avoids using materials and substances that may damage the environment and human health, and expects the same approach from its suppliers.

Depending on the product groups supplied, the documents required from suppliers are varied. The Company regularly reviews the updated Restricted Materials List it publishes and requests the suppliers to comply with it in full. Suppliers are required to have a test report showing Compliance with the European Union’s Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) Directive, compliance with the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), battery test reports from accredited organizations, and declarations and test reports stating that they do not use harmful chemicals on the Substances of Very High Concern List (SVHC). Suppliers are informed about Regulation No. 30105 on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (KKDİK) prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of the Republic of Türkiye within the scope of harmonization with the European Union REACH Regulation, and the suppliers covered by the Regulation are required to complete the registration process.



Vestel Elektronik has established the “Product Safety, Hazard and Risk Management Process” which is documented, implemented and regularly up-dated, to determine all the hazards and controls which can affect the consumer safety and legal status of its products.

Within the scope of this process, detailed risk analyses are performed in the manufacturing processes for physical, chemical and biological pollution and foreign substances as well as for inconveniences such as electrical safety that may be critical for the consumer safety. Risk analyses are performed under normal conditions and on the basis of reasonable and foreseeable conditions that may occur during the course of the product use. Vestel Elektronik has defined the following commitments in its Policy of Integrated Management Systems:

  • Reliable product manufacturing,
  • Compliance with legal and other requirements,
  • Industrial and personal hygiene,
  • Ensuring and maintaining organization, order and hygiene throughout the Company,
  • Raising awareness,
  • Continuous development and improvement of Product Safety Management System.

Vestel Elektronik evaluates the safety impacts of our products in accordance with the relevant international legislation and standards. Safety impacts of all product groups manufactured at Vestel Elektronik are fully subject to these procedures.

No disconformity has been reported for the products, which are manufactured by Vestel Elektronik in accordance with the international safety regulations and standards. The Company’s nonconformance rate is 0%. Nonconformities are followed-up via the RAPEX (Rapid Alarm System for Non-Food Consumer Products) system in the European countries to where the Company exports most of its products, and no nonconformity has been reported to this date.

RAPEX is a European urgent warning system for hazardous products. The system enables rapid circulation of the information about hazardous products that are defined by the national authorities among the other national authorities and European Commission with the purpose of restricting or ceasing the sale of these products in the market.

Our products, which are verified via tests performed in our Product Safety, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Reliability Laboratories in accordance with both our own standards and internationally accepted standards, become ready to be exported to various countries around the world upon the receipt of the related approval certificates. Our laboratory teams carry out their activities within the scope of the highest authorization agreements concluded with various organizations in the world, accordingly, they can provide the most reliable and fastest testing and approval services with minimum cost. Also, our laboratories have received accreditation authority granted to world-class laboratories, and the quality of their work has been officially certified within this framework.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory (EMC)

The EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Laboratory, which is part of Vestel's R&D department and started its operations in 1996, is the first manufacturer laboratory accredited by the Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK) according to the ISO 17025 standard. Since 2009, it has been authorized to provide electromagnetic compatibility certification. The Vestel EMC Laboratory stands out among its European competitors with an average of 40,000 tests and 500 accredited reports provided annually. Along with infrastructure investments made by Vestel R&D, the EMC Laboratory enables testing of TV, visual solutions, satellite receivers, electric vehicle charging stations, medical devices, lighting, and white goods products according to relevant international standards, as well as the preparation of TÜRKAK-accredited reports. In addition to EMC certifications, the Vestel EMC Laboratory is the first and only laboratory in Turkey capable of providing RF (Radio Frequency) certifications for radio modules (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.). Ongoing efforts are being made to expand the scope to cover all products in line with Vestel's expanding product range, aiming to have every product manufactured by Vestel approved in the EMC Laboratory. The laboratory actively participates in national and international standardization activities to support the developing EMC sector.

Product Safety Laboratory

The Product Safety Laboratory, for which the infrastructure has been established with an engineer responsible for documentation until 2000, joined the International Electrotechnical Commission (“IEC”) by obtaining authorization as an audio-visual devices unit in 2004. Scope of the laboratory’s work was expanded by obtaining authorizations for information technology devices in 2006, for household appliances in 2011 and for LED lighting products in 2012. The laboratory was entitled to receive TURKAK Accreditation in 2012. Product Safety Laboratory is responsible for testing and certifying processes of Vestel products starting from design stage until product delivery within the scope of 2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive. The laboratory issues reports and approvals for approximately 4,000 models per year for different product groups such as televisions, satellite receivers, household appliances, lighting products, IT products, small domestic appliances and electric vehicle charging units. The purpose is to ensure that each Vestel product is safe at least at the level of international standards. To produce safer products, national requirements are also taken into account besides the international standards. With the Product Safety Laboratory, Vestel aims to produce and offer perfect products to its customers by performing accurate tests and to enable the association of the word “reliable” with the trademark of “Vestel” in the minds of people.

Design Verification and Reliability Laboratory

Reliability Laboratory was established at the Electronics Factory in 2003. It was transferred to the High-end Factory in 2007 and added the DQA (Design Verification) Laboratory to its structure in 2008. Complicated tests, accelerated life tests on the basis of cards and products, and MTTF-MTBF calculations were added to the tests and analyses with the DQA Laboratory. The objective of Vestel’s DQA & Reliability Group is to improve the competitiveness of domestic products by manufacturing durable and failure-free products, which will satisfy the consumers for a long time, without increasing the product cost. Electrical, Mechanical, Optical and Environmental reliability tests are applied to products within this context. Approval process helps Vestel to produce products of higher quality than international standards and similar products of its international peers.

Vestel Calibration Laboratory

Accredited by the Turkish Accreditation Authority, the Calibration Laboratory, which operates under Vestel R&D, has been active since 2015. It is the first private laboratory in Turkey to include passive microwave elements under TURKAK accreditation. Through the investments undertaken at the Calibration Laboratory, Vestel enabled the calibration of RF (Radio Frequency), LF (Low Frequency), temperature and humidity devices and the preparation of TURKAK approved accreditation certificates to be carried out at the laboratory. The Calibration Laboratory provides services to the EMC and Product Safety Laboratories, which operate under Vestel, as an accredited laboratory. Outside the accreditation scope, it also serves other sections in the production facilities in the calibration of LF, temperature, humidity, size and optical devices.


Vestel Beyaz Eşya designs and manufactures its products in a way which will not be detrimental either chemically or electrically to the consumers and the environment. Within this context, all the products manufactured by Vestel Beyaz Eşya comply with the relevant regulations and are subjected to tests required by the standards stipulated by these regulations. Final products are certified by the internationally acknowledged and independent accredited institutions after passing various control tests. Our aim is to ensure that all the products manufactured by Vestel Beyaz Eşya comply with the national and international standards as well as our own standards and attain the maximum safety level.

Appliances produced by Vestel Beyaz Eşya are subjected to tests which are directly related with;

  • the end-user safety required by the 2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive,
  • the impacts of its products on other products and end users required by the 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive and 2014/53/EU Radio Equipment Directive,
  • environmental impact by 2011/65/EU Rohs directive, 1907/2006 Reach Regulation, national Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation (AEEE) and the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation.

Necessary conditions are provided and controlled from production to sale, necessary tests are carried out for each product design and certified by third party international independent organizations.

To minimize the impacts of products on human health and environment, chemical content of the components used in the products is also kept under control. Independent laboratory analyses for components and supplier reliability controls are carried out in order to ensure compliance with all the related regulations applicable to the household appliances industry. Vestel Beyaz Eşya has created the “Vestel Beyaz Eşya Restricted Materials List” which covers all the chemicals restricted and banned under regulations as well as the chemicals specifically monitored by the company. Vestel Beyaz Eşya carries out its operations in accordance with the “Vestel Beyaz Eşya Restricted and Banned Chemicals Management Procedure”.

At Vestel Beyaz Eşya, all tests are carried out in the R&D laboratories located in the Washing Machine, Air Conditioner & Water Heater, Cooking Appliances, Refrigerator, Tumble Dryer and Dishwasher factories.

The Washing Machine Factory R&D Performance Laboratory

Performance tests, safety and component tests, acoustic tests and quality tests are carried out in the Washing Machine R&D laboratories.

It was established in accordance with the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard and covers the documentation of the laboratory system and measurement activities in accordance with the standard requirements.

The laboratory was certified on February 9, 2018, with accreditation number AB-1263-T, within the scope of TS EN 60456 Washing Machines - Home Use - Performance Measurement Methods.

The laboratory provides testing services in accordance with the needs of the customer, legal authorities or organizations and the requirements of the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 Standard. The laboratory has the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and systems to manage and perform testing activities. In addition, it has the "TDAP" (Test Data Acceptance Program) certificate obtained from third-party independent test organizations under ISO 17025. R&D performance laboratory supports both R&D studies and local and foreign suppliers with confidentiality, by measuring washing performance, rinsing performance, energy consumption, water consumption, and spinning performance within the scope of performance measurement methods in washing machines used at home.

Tests and controls are carried out in accordance with the requirements of international standards in the R&D Safety and Component Test Laboratory of the Washing Machine Factory. The laboratory has the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and systems to manage and perform its activities. Laboratory test activities include safety-component tests and approvals of Washing Machines and Washer-Dryers.

Lifetime tests of products and materials are carried out in the Quality Laboratories of the Washing Machine Factory. The laboratory has the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and systems to manage and perform test activities. Within the scope of laboratory test activities, life tests are carried out by taking into account the determined engineering coefficient of washing machines used in homes, environmental factors that may affect the product and user conditions.

The laboratory’s Quality Policy is as follows:

  • All tests and analyses have international validity,
  • Test results, reports and information are kept confidential,
  • Laboratory activities are carried out impartially and independently,
  • Tests are carried out with continuously trained laboratory personnel in accordance with the specified methods, standards, customer requirements, and legal requirements,
  • Collaborating with scientific organizations and following up on technological developments in the industry,
  • The lab is constantly improved with the participation of the Laboratory Quality Systems team.

Air Conditioning Factory R&D Performance Laboratory

Measurement activities are carried out in the R&D test laboratories of the Air Conditioning Factory in accordance with the requirements of international standards. The laboratory has the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and systems to manage and perform test activities. Laboratory experiment activities include cooling performance, heating performance, energy consumption, acoustic and vibration measurements of air conditioners used in homes. In addition, support is provided to both domestic and international suppliers in accordance with confidentiality rules through various R&D projects. It is aimed to continuously improve the services provided within the Vestel Group of Companies at the Vestel Beyaz Eşya Air Conditioning Factory R&D Performance Test Laboratory. In order to realize this purpose, the Quality Policy is as follows:

  • All tests and evaluations are carried out in accordance with international standards,
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of test results, reports and information,
  • Conducting laboratory activities impartially and independently,
  • Experiments are carried out with continuously trained laboratory personnel in accordance with the specified methods, standards, customer and legal requirements,
  • Collaborating with scientific institutions and following the technological developments in the sector,
  • Continuous improvement of the Laboratory Quality System with the participation of employees,
  • Creating innovative solutions by analyzing the changing demands and requirements of our customers and the industry.

Thermosiphon Factory R&D Performance Laboratory

Measurement activities are carried out in the R&D test laboratories of the Thermosiphon Factory in accordance with the requirements of international standards. The laboratory has the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and systems to manage and perform test activities. Laboratory experiment activities include the design, energy consumption and heat loss measurements of water heaters used in homes. In addition, support is provided to both domestic and international suppliers in accordance with confidentiality rules through various R&D projects. It is aimed to continuously improve the services provided within the Vestel Group of Companies at the Vestel White Goods Thermosiphon Factory R&D Performance Test Laboratory. In order to realize this purpose, the Quality Policy is as follows:

  • All tests and evaluations are carried out in accordance with international standards,
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of test results, reports and information,
  • Conducting laboratory activities impartially and independently,
  • Experiments are carried out with continuously trained laboratory personnel in accordance with the specified methods, standards, customer and legal requirements,
  • Collaborating with scientific institutions and following the technological developments in the sector,
  • Continuous improvement of the Laboratory Quality System with the participation of employees,
  • Creating innovative solutions by analyzing the changing demands and requirements of our customers and the industry.

Cooking Appliances Factory R&D Performance Laboratory

Cooking Appliances Factory R&D Performance Laboratory was established in accordance with the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard and provides documentation of the laboratory system and measurement activities in accordance with the standard requirements. Laboratory was certified under TS EN 60350-1 Cooking Appliances - Cooking Appliances Used at Homes Part-1: Stoves, ovens, steam ovens and grills - Performance Measurement Methods, TS EN 60350-2 Electrical cooking appliances for household use - Part 2: Cookers - Performance Measurement Methods, with EU-1627-T Accreditation No. on November 5, 2021.

The laboratory provides test activities in accordance with the requirements of the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 Standard to meet the needs of the customer, legal authorities or organizations. The laboratory has the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and systems to manage and perform test activities. Energy consumption measurements are made in the R&D performance laboratory, and both R&D studies and domestic and foreign suppliers are supported in accordance with the confidentiality rules within the scope of performance measurement methods in cooking appliances used at home.

In line with the principles of independence, impartiality and confidentiality, in accordance with the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard, the test services we have provided within the Vestel group of companies at the Vestel White Goods Cooking Appliances Factory R&D Performance Laboratory;

  • To carry out inspections and tests according to national or international standards by using devices that have been traced within the framework of professional and technical application principles, to provide results that are constantly reliable,
  • To provide the capacity to meet customer requirements in tests within the scope of accreditation as a First Level laboratory,
  • To apply the principles of quality management system effectively in order to give reliable results, to have new current regulations and standards,
  • To serve with expert and reliable personnel who know and apply the requirements of the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 Standard, use the documentation correctly, and have the capacity,
  • To comply with the requirements of the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 Standard and to continuously improve its effectiveness,

is our quality policy. It is ensured that all Laboratory personnel act in accordance with this policy and management system documents in their work.

Refrigerator Factory R&D Refrigeration Laboratory

Refrigerator Factory R&D Refrigeration Laboratory works according to TS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard and provides documentation of laboratory system and measurement activities in accordance with standard requirements. Since accreditation studies have not been completed yet, it carries out studies with independent laboratories within the scope of IEC/Customer Testing Facility (CTF).

The laboratory provides test activities in accordance with the requirements of the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 Standard to meet the needs of the customer, legal authorities or organizations. The laboratory has the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and systems to manage and perform test activities. Energy consumption measurements are made in the R&D refrigeration laboratory, and both R&D studies and domestic / foreign suppliers are supported in accordance with the confidentiality rules, with the performance measurement methods in the refrigerators used at home.

In line with the principles of independence, impartiality and confidentiality, in accordance with the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard, the test services we have provided within the Vestel group of companies at the Vestel White Goods Refrigerator Factory R&D Refrigeration Laboratory;

  • To carry out inspections and tests according to national or international standards by using devices that have been traced within the framework of professional and technical application principles, to provide results that are constantly reliable,
  • To apply the principles of quality management system effectively in order to give reliable results, to have new current regulations and standards,
  • To serve with expert and reliable personnel who know and apply the requirements of the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 Standard, use the documentation correctly, and have the capacity,

is our quality policy. It is ensured that all Laboratory personnel act in accordance with this policy and management system documents in their work.

Tumble Dryer Factory R&D Test Laboratories

Tests carried out in Tumble Dryer R&D test laboratories are carried out in accordance with international IEC/EN standards. The developed products are certified by third party international independent organizations. The personnel working in the laboratories and the laboratory conditions have the necessary equipment and systems to perform the tests according to these standards. In the laboratory, performance tests of the dryer (such as drying performance, energy consumption, condenser efficiency, program duration), safety tests, life tests, software verification and system optimization tests can be performed. Continuous improvement is aimed at R&D test laboratories. In order to realize this purpose, the Quality Policy is as follows:

  • Performing tests in accordance with IEC international test standards
  • Recording and reporting of test results
  • Preparing and publishing all kinds of documents (forms, instructions) to be used for the tests
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of test results, reports and information
  • Conducting laboratory activities impartially and independently
  • Performing the tests with continuously trained laboratory personnel in accordance with the specified methods, standards, customer requirements and legal requirements.
  • Generating innovative solutions to meet customer expectations/needs
  • Following the technological developments in the sector and cooperating with different organizations

Dishwasher Factory R&D Laboratories

The tests carried out in the R&D Laboratories of the dishwasher factory are carried out in accordance with international standards (IEC / EN / UL). The products we provide are certified by third party testing organizations. The personnel working in the laboratories have the knowledge and experience to perform the specified international standard tests, and the laboratory equipment and Test & Control systems have the features to achieve this purpose. In this context, our Laboratories have the "TDAP" (Test Data Acceptance Program) certificate obtained from third-party independent testing organizations within the scope of ISO 17025. In the laboratories, tests such as Energy & Performance tests (Washing Performance Tests, Energy and Water Efficiency Tests, Drying Performance Tests), Electrical Safety Tests, Acoustic Measurement Tests, Software Verification Tests, Lifetime Tests of the dishwasher can be performed within the scope of relevant international standards. Continuous improvement and development studies are aimed at the Dishwasher R&D laboratories. The quality policy implemented in order to achieve these goals is as follows;

  • Performing tests and controls in accordance with all relevant international directives, regulations and harmonized standards.
  • Recording and reporting of test and control outputs
  • Preparing and publishing all kinds of documents (forms, instructions) to be used for tests and controls and ensuring their revision according to the updated standards.
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of test results, reports and information
  • Conducting laboratory activities impartially and independently
  • Performing tests and controls in accordance with the specified methods, standards, customer and legal requirements, with experienced, trained personnel whose training continuity is ensured.
  • Generating innovative solutions to meet customer expectations/needs
  • Following the technological developments in the sector and cooperating with different organizations


Customer Experience

Vestel aims to continuously increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and offers personalized and uninterrupted service through digital and smart solutions. The Company serves more than 1 million individual customers across the country and more than 2,300 corporate customers annually and focuses on continuously improving its services. International standards are taken into consideration in customer management processes, and Vestel Customer Services operates within the framework of the ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System and TS EN ISO 18295-1 Customer Contact Centers System.

It is crucial to monitor performance in order to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. In this context, customer satisfaction is monthly measured within a group of customers who regularly receive repair and installation services from Vestel and is reported quarterly. The Company’s goal is to improve its performance on scores up to 90 and maintain satisfaction and loyalty levels on scores in the range of 90-100. In addition, the number of complaints submitted to Vestel Customer Services decreased by 3.5% year-on-year. All complaints are aimed to be resolved within seven days.

Products and Services for People with Disabilities:

As a company that values the needs of blind consumers, Vestel launched its collaboration with BlindLook, a 100% voice-oriented application, with the vision of creating a more accessible and equal world for everyone. With the audio world developed by BlindLook, visually impaired people can access Vestel products, services and without any obstacles. The visually impaired user can benefit from all services and products integrated into the application with Audio Simulation technology. All functions of products are recorded on the application, and users are guided simultaneously by voice. Having become a part of a new solution with this inclusive service, Vestel has become one of the brands holding the EyeBrand Certificate.

Accessible Authorized Service Providers:

Vestel Customer Services opened Türkiye’s first Accessible Authorized Service Provider in Istanbul, Avcılar in 2018. It strives to ensure that all authorized service providers throughout the country are "Accessible Service Providers.” There are arrangements made at accessible authorized service providers, such as front door entrance ramp, accessible toilets and sinks, yellow direction lines for the visually impaired, a customer representative who knows sign language for the hearing impaired, and direction signs. Authorized service providers are granted the title of three-star, two-star and one-star Accessible Authorized Service Provider depending on the criteria of accessibility they fulfill. In this regard, a total of 106 Vestel Authorized After-sales Service Centers were qualified as Accessible Authorized After-sales Service Providers. Of this total figure, 10 authorized services are in the three-star category, 30 authorized services in the two-star category and 66 authorized services in the one-star category. As of 2023, each new authorized service provider will start rendering services at least at the one-star level.

Vestel aims to increase its online turnover rate to 25% in Turkey by 2030. In 2023, the rate of total customers using your online solutions/sales platform was 9%, while the rate of revenues from online channels was 5.6%.

Ethical Marketing and Advertising Practices
In its marketing communication activities, Vestel provides transparent and accurate information about all its products and services, does not publish misleading and deceptive advertisements, and complies with the relevant rules and laws. There are no exaggerated statements about the social and environmental impacts of the work, nor is there any communication that may adversely affect children. The Company acts in accordance with competition law and does not make statements that will damage the reputation of our rivals or competitors.