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A Net Zero Company

The Journey to Net Zero

Science-based Targets

In line with the global agenda, Vestel Group of Companies aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, first in its own operations and then in its entire value chain. In this respect, an important step towards achieving net zero was taken by committing to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). 

By 2030, compared to 2021: 

- It is aimed to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42%,

- and Scope 3, category 11 emissions by 25%.

Vestel will achieve the reduction targets for Scope 1 and 2 operational emissions with various contributions from the different instruments listed below. 

- Energy efficiency measures taken in production facilities, such as waste heat recovery systems, electrification, optimization of processes through energy efficiency improvements, improvement and automation of energy monitoring systems, 

- Replacing company fleets with hybrid or fully electric vehicles, 

- Shifting the energy portfolio of generation activities from fossil fuelbased to those with lower emission factors,

- Expanding renewable energy generation systems to meet primary energy needs, including electricity and heat,

- Using renewable energy certificates throughout operational activities.

Among Vestel's Scope 3 emissions, the largest share is made up by the use of products sold in Category 11. In this regard, the Company concentrates on three main areas with the awareness of the necessity to trigger transformation across the entire value chain. 

- Accelerating R&D and Innovation efforts to increase the market share of products with low energy labels and develop products beyond compliance levels, 

- Designing and manufacturing products with a life-cycle-based approach that will lead to lower energy consumption during the usage phase, 

- Generalizing the practices that will lead to behavioral changes in customers through various incentives and communication activities.

Renewable Energy Production

Vestel makes a contribution to combating the climate crisis through renewable energy generation and energy efficiency investments to transition to a zero-carbon economy. In line with the investments carried out, the Company plans to reach an annual electricity generation of 11,882 MWh with 8,200 kWp of solar panels and reduce carbon emissions by 5,430 tons. This investment is planned to be realized in 2024. Upon the implementation of the investment, approximately 90% of the electricity consumption of the Vestel Beyaz Eşya tumble dryer plant and 10% of the energy needs of the entire production will be provided using solar power. 

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency constitutes an important step of the net zero roadmap. Monitoring energy consumption and identifying high consumption points through instant data monitoring systems enables the design of effective mitigation projects. The consumption of all energy points is monitored online at the Data Monitoring and Control Center and actions are taken accordingly. 

The Company runs information systems data centers over consolidated servers as much as possible. In this context, the number of physical servers is minimized, virtual servers are used and less energy is consumed. Moreover, data center cooling systems ensure cooling of only the necessary areas. Compared to 2022, the energy consumption of products sold in Türkiye in 2023 improved by 2.8% for tumble dryers, 2.5% for washing machines, 2.4% for cooking appliances, 1.3% for air conditioners and 0.6% for dishwashers. 

Vestel employees are provided with “Sustainability, Environment and Energy Training,” which covers energy efficiency and energy policy issues. In 2023, 4,068 employees received a total of 2,724 hours of training on energy efficiency. 


Circular Economy

Zero Waste

Committed to the principles of sustainability and zero waste, Vestel aims to minimize the amount of waste by continuing its operational activities in this respect. As part of the Zero Waste Management System, Vestel prioritizes its activities focused on preventing, reducing, recycling and recovering waste generation. The waste generated during the production stages is separated at the source, stored in temporary storage areas and sent to licensed waste companies in line with the Waste Control Regulation. Through regular audits, recycling and recovery of waste are controlled.

At Vestel, 93% of waste is recycled and waste from production is recycled by organizing waste bins. As part of the Zero Waste practice and the vision of circularity, food waste is also utilized. In 2023, 2,004 kg of compost obtained from waste was utilized in Vestel's own green areas and 99.4 tons of food waste was donated to stray animals.

Vestel has started to use FSC-certified, 100% recycled cardboard in the packaging of its refrigerator and dishwasher products. For the first time in Türkiye, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified and 100% recycled cardboard began to be used in Vestel refrigerators and dishwashers as of 2021. This practice was extended to all Vestel branded majör household appliances sold in Türkiye in 2022. In 2023, a total of 20,667 tons of recycled cardboards were utilized.

Product Recovery and Repair

Vestel ensures the repair and reuse of defective materials and products through the Material Inspection and Recovery Project. While authorized services are in charge of collecting defective parts that are replaced in the field, the Recovery Unit plays a role in repairing the collected defective parts, reusing them as spare parts and bringing them into the system. In 2023, 24,052 spare parts were recovered, resulting in savings of TL 7.7 million. Unrepairable parts are separated according to their scrap class and recycled. Scrapping process is equivalen to the number of products included in the recycling process. The net income generated by the project in 2023 amounted to TL 527,560. Such practices provide economic gains by recovering parts that are of financial value to the Company, while at the same time reducing environmental impacts by minimizing the amount of electronic waste.

The products that are replaced under warranty are delivered to the Replacement Products Evaluation Center (DÜDEM) in Vestel City and those that can be repaired are refurbished at the Refurbishment Centers, Central Repair and Recovery Centers and offered for sale at Vestel Outlet stores and some dealers. In 2023, a total of 87,934 products were refurbished and returned to the economy, while 1,488 of the refurbished products were donated as part of social support. Non-refurbishable products are recycled through a licensed recycling company.

Within the vision of product recovery and repair, and in line with the EU Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) management, Vestel has subjected 10 of its products—TV, air conditioner, dishwasher, refrigerator, washing machine, dryer, electric oven, built-in oven, stove, and kettle—to reuse/recycling assessments in independent laboratories. The recyclability rates of the products selected from these 10 different product groups have been calculated based on these assessments.

Vestel has started to conduct life cycle analyses of its products. The results of the life cycle analyses conducted so far for Vestel Electronics products are as follows;


LCA Categories


Raw Material



End Of Life










AC Electricle Vehicle Charger







*The table is based on the average values of the relevant product group. It may depends in terms of product type.

Plastic Reduction

Carrying out efforts to reduce the consumption of plastic raw materials and plastic waste generated in production processes and offices, Vestel made a commitment to reduce the use of plastics and to reuse it through recycling under the Business World Plastics Initiative, of which it was a signatory in 2021.

Recycling the production and engineering waste and residues generated throughout all processes under the cooperation of Production, R&D and Quality Control teams and reusing them in its products and product components, Vestel Elektronik aimed to use a total of 1,887 tons of recycled plastics,

  • including 629 tons by the end of 2021
  • 629 tons by the end of 2022,
  • 629 tons by the end of 2023.

By reaching the commitments made in 2023, Vestel Elektronik used 910 tons of recycled plastics and reduced the use of 88 tons of plastics in packaging materials, preventing the use of 998 tons of unprocessed plastics.

Vestel Beyaz Eşya strives to reduce the use of plastics in its products by investing in alternative materials. Use of materials containing bio-based raw materials such as rice husks, orange peels and olive pits in refrigerators is being widely promoted. In 2023, approvals were obtained for the use of recycled and bio- based plastics in the production of some components. For instance, biolive bioplastic material derived from olive pit waste is among the approve components. Utilization of recycled plastics in different parts of machines is also on the rise.

Vestel Beyaz Eşya surpassed the commitments made in 2023 and reduced 26 tons of plastics in packaging materials and 313 tons of plastics in products. By using 5,046 tons of recycled plastics, a total of 5,385 tons of raw plastics was avoided.

Water Stewardship

Water stress is a phenomenon in which water use is restricted and does not meet supply when water demand exceeds available water resources over a given period of time, or when water quality deteriorates. Türkiye is among the countries which undergo water stress. Manisa, where Vestel facilities are located, has a high water risk level according to the World Resource Institute (WRI). Efficient water  management is especially critical in highrisk areas.

Vestel focuses on minimizing water consumption, which it considers as one of the biggest risks in  anufacturing processes. In order to achieve this, the Company strives to develop and expand water-efficient projects and to recycle water. Vestel reports all water management processes to CDP, and its water footprint is verified by the independent third parties in accordance with the ISO 14046 Water Footprint Standard. It also discharges the wastewater to the treatment plant of Manisa Organized Industrial Zone.

Vestel Elektronik saves 28,800 m3 of water annually through improvements in water lines and the use of sensor or timeadjustable faucets.

Vestel Beyaz Eşya identified the highest water-consuming processes and focused its water saving projects on four focal points.

  • Dyehouse water consumption was reduced from 30,000 tons per year to 6,000 tons per year, saving 80%,
  • Tower water recycling system reduced water consumption from 37,000 tons per year to 17,400 tons per year, saving 53%,
  • Garden water consumption was reduced from 70,000 tons per year to 9,800 tons per year, saving 86%,
  • Additionally, rainwater collection Project saved 9,193 m3 of water per year on a 50,000 sqm area.

At Vestel, "Sustainability, Environment and Energy Training,” which covers water management, water use, water footprint and the journey of water in Vestel factories, is organized as part of the awarenessraising program. In this regard, 4,068 employees had a total of 2,724 hours of training in 2023.