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  5. 2011



The Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of our Company is going to be held on 19.06.2012 at 11.00 at Zorlu Plaza, 34310 Avcılar/ISTANBUL and the following agenda topics will be discussed.

  • Opening, silence and election of the Presidential Board
  • Authorizing the Presidential Board for signing the minutes of the General Assembly Meeting;
  • Reading the Annual Report of the Board of Directors and Auditor’s Report for fiscal year 2011,
  • Reading, the Summary Report of the Independent External Auditor for fiscal year 2011,
  • Reading, discussing and accepting the Balance Sheet and Income Statement for the fiscal 2011
  • Acquitting the members of the Board of Directors separately for activities and operations in 2011
  • Acquitting the Auditors separately for activities and operations in 2011;
  • Determination of the number and duty periods of the members of the Board of Directors, election of the members of the Board of Directors, appointment of the Independent members of the Board of Directors,
  • Determination of the number and duty periods of Auditors and their election,
  • Determination of the attendance fees to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors in 2012,
  • Determination of the remuneration to be paid to the Auditors in 2012,
  • Submitting the proposal of the Board of Directors on no profit distribution and resolving the same subject after discussing in the General Assembly,
  • Informing the shareholders about the profit distribution policy of the Company in 2012 and subsequent years according to the Corporate Governance Principles,
  • Discussion and approval of the selection of the independent external audit company made by the Board of Directors pursuant to the Capital Markets Board communiqué on Independent Auditing Standards in Capital Markets,
  • Informing the shareholders on the “Remuneration Policy” for the members of the Board of Directors and executive managers of the Company according to the Corporate Governance Principles,
  • Authorizing the controlling shareholders, the executive managers of the company and their spouses and second degree relatives (by blood or marriage) to perform transactions, to compete with the Company or its affiliates that may constitute a conflict of interest; taking the resolution of authorizing the members of the Board of Directors to carry out operations within or out of the engagement of the Company in person or on behalf of others and to participate in companies carrying such operations and to carry out other operations according to Articles 334 and 335 of the Turkish Trade Act,
  • Informing the general Assembly on donation and charities given in 2011,
  • Submitting the Donation and Charity Policy of the Company prepared as per Corporate Governance Principles, to the approval of the General Assembly,
  • Within the frame of the Capital Markets Board regulations, informing the shareholders on the guarantees, pledges and mortgages given in favour of 3RD parties and the income or benefit obtained therefrom,
  • Discussing and resolving the subject of amending articles 5,8,11,16,20,29,30,31,34,35 and 36 of the Articles of Association provided that necessary permissions have been given by the CMB and Ministry of Customs and Trade before the General Assembly date,
  • Informing the shareholders on related party transactions performed within the year,
  • Wishes and closing