Delegation of authority to the Court to sign the Minutes of the General Shareholders' Meeting on behalf of the General Assembly.
Reading of the Report of the Directors (Annual Report) on the activities and accounts of the year of 2008.
Reading of the financial statements drawn up according to the communiqué No. XI-25 of the Capital Markets Board.
Reading of the Auditor's Report and the Independent External Auditing Report.
Deliberations on reports and financial statements and acceptance of them, separately.
Discussions on proposal of the Board of Directors related to distribution of profit and submission of this for approval.
Presentation of the dividend distribution policy in line with CMB's Corporate Governance guidelines.
Deciding upon the matter of discharging of the members of the Board of Directors and the auditors from their responsibilities for the activities of the year of 2008.
Determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors and holding an election.
Determination of the number of members of the Auditors and holding an election.
Determination of the fees of the members of the Board of Directors.
Determination of the fees of the members of the Auditors.
Approval of the election of the Independent Audit Firm selected by the Board of Directors for 2009.
Presentation of information on donations being made within the year in accordance with the resolution of the CMB Serial: IV and Number:27 notice's clause 7/b.
Resolution procurement on the matter of delegation of authority and permissions written down in the articles 334. and 335. of the Turkish Commercial Code to the members of the Board of Directors.
With the precaution of the required given permissions by the CMB (Capital Markets Board) and The Ministry of Industry and Trade before the date of the General Meeting, discussing and the adjudication of the amendments to be made to the 3rd clause in the Company's Articles of Association,